Sunday, 25 December 2011
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
3 More Good Things!
We at The Happy Zone recently shared with you all one of the ways in which we cheer ourselves up on those miserable rainy days. Just think of three good, positive things that happened to you today or three good things you have done for others - as long as they are three happy things that have made you smile!
We want you to share your three good things with the world, so why not go ahead and Tweet your three things along with the hashtags #3goodthings and #happyzone or place a comment in the comment box below. You can follow us on Twitter @happyzoneblog or even on Facebook.
Our #3goodthings today:
We want you to share your three good things with the world, so why not go ahead and Tweet your three things along with the hashtags #3goodthings and #happyzone or place a comment in the comment box below. You can follow us on Twitter @happyzoneblog or even on Facebook.
Our #3goodthings today:
- Orange flavoured raisins!
- Eighties classic The Stuff on The Horror Channel.
- New trainers!
Friday, 2 December 2011
Funny Friday - Frighten Brighton Special!
The Happy Zone loves a good laugh and loves getting like-minded people together so we're combining some of our favourite things today with our spooky Frighten Brighton Funny Friday!
Here are a couple of funny horror cartoons to help celebrate the Frighten Brighton horror film festival taking place at The Rock Inn in Brighton on Saturday 3rd December from 12 noon! Join in the fun by tweeting us your favourite horror film using the hashtag #frightenbrighton !
Here are a couple of funny horror cartoons to help celebrate the Frighten Brighton horror film festival taking place at The Rock Inn in Brighton on Saturday 3rd December from 12 noon! Join in the fun by tweeting us your favourite horror film using the hashtag #frightenbrighton !
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
3 Good Things!
Even when things seem at their most miserable, we at the Happy Zone always try and cheer ourselves up by looking on the bright side. On my way home from hospital today it was cold, windy and teaming down with rain. I was disgruntled after my consultation with the doctor, my umbrella kept blowing inside out and the hole in my shoe was letting in the rain.
So when I got home, instead of allowing myself to fall into a deep depression, I decided to do what I sometimes do when feeling low. I made myself think of three good, positive things that had happened today. They could be things that I had done, or other people had done or just something happy I'd heard on the news but I tell you what - it wasn't even that difficult! If you really think about it you can always find good, happy things occuring around you each and every day.
Why don't you try it? Let us know what 3 good things happened to you today! If you're on Twitter just tweet your three positive things with the hashtags #3goodthings and #happyzone and share your happy thoughts with the world! You can also comment below or on our Facebook Page.
For the record, here are my 3 good things :
- Work finally sorted out all the mistakes they'd made with my salary over the last few months and that definately brought a smile to my face when I read my payslip.
- I have been craving Nestle Walnut Whips (delicious chocolate candy!) but couldn't find any in all the stores I searched in yesterday - but today I found one, bought one and thoroughly enjoyed it.
- I received a really really sweet email from one of my favourite actresses, the lovely yummy mummy Emily Booth!
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Crazy But Cool Ideas!
Sometimes at The Happy Zone we just like to chew the fat and come up with all manner of cute but crazy ideas and schemes that we think would benefit the world - or at least the UK (as that's where we're based)!
So we came up with this grand idea which we think everyone should start promoting and supporting ASAP! Let's all start planting lavender bushes and chamomile flowers in every available space throughout the UK; in gardens, parks, high streets, factories, schools, parks, disused land...everywhere you could possibly think of! The soothing and relaxing aromas and properties of these two plants would soon chill everyone out so much that the crime rate will go down and people will start being more relaxed and nicer to each other.
You think it's crazy? Well we won't know until we try it! Not only will everyone feel more relaxed, it will be great for the environment and could be part-funded by a specially set up charity and the National or Health Lotteries!
Got any wild and crazy ideas that would benefit society and make the world a better place? Drop us an email, comment below or visit our Facebook Page. Or you could tweet us with your cool ideas! You can find us @happyzoneblog.
chill out,
mental health,
Friday, 14 October 2011
Thirty Second Bunnies in FUN FRIDAY!!
It's FUN FRIDAY and once again we have a laugh with those Thirty Second Bunnies!! Don't forget you can follow THE HAPPY ZONE on Facebook!
Friday, 23 September 2011
Friday, 9 September 2011
IT'S.........FUNNY FRIDAY!!!!
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Friday, 26 August 2011
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
After all the horrors of the UK riots this summer, one of the things that came up from all this was much discussion about why this happened and what had caused so many young people to behave in such a way. Some of the major conclusions were that many of todays UK young people feel bored, alienated, ignored and disenfranchised caused by a combination of mass unemployment, lack of hope, poor education and unrealistic expectations created by todays materialistic society and narcissistic media "role models".
But what can be done to turn this around and help give our young people a better life now as well as a better future? The Happy Zone was set up to always focus on the positive so we have come up with an idea that we think can help solve many of these issues.
Introduce one year compulsory national community service for all 16/17 year olds. Controversial? Maybe, but listen to our reasons why and exactly how it should be run...
- Running from September 1st to July 31st the following year, for all 16 year olds. Any 16 year olds who aren't able to take part will be able to join the programme the following year as a 17 year old with one or two exemptions.
- Exemptions would include all those in full-time work, full-time education or who are volunteering full-time (a minimum of 30 hours per week).
- The focus would be on community, society, volunteering, health and the environment.
- Daily mindfullness meditation every morning.
- Daily exercise.
- Volunteer work throughout the community (at least 3 days per week) - charity fund-raising, picking up rubbish, helping old people, working in charity shops, community projects, conservation projects etc.
- Classes on how to get a job, CV writing, reading and writing skills, entrepeneurial and business skills, cooking, health and nutrition, recycling and the environment.
- No drinking or drug taking allowed and no smoking on building premises.
- Each community service centre would have its own allotment and kitchens to allow the young people to grow and cook their own food.
- Each center would recycle extensively.
- Regular visits and talks from inspirational role models including successful business people, celebrities and sports stars.
Think this is a good idea? Then please sign our HM Government e-petition here.
If we can get 100,000 or more signatures then it would have to be discussed in parliament so please sign today and make a better Britain a reality.
Sign our petition.
Do you have any ideas as to how this could work and what else the NATIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE could include? Just leave your comments below, visit our Facebook Page or email us at
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Here at The Happy Zone we are always looking at the different places that make us happy and enjoy sharing these places with you! Today we wanted to make you aware of one of our favourite places in Brighton, East Sussex. Over the last year we have discovered Brighton Farm Market, a fabulous farmers market hidden away in the bohemian North Laines.
Open every Saturday and now also Fridays 9:30am - 4:30pm, you will find a whole host of varied traders selling everything from organic cheeses, local honey, gorgeous home-made cakes, fruit and veg to fresh fish and home-made pies! The quality is exceptional and the traders themselves are friendly, chatty and knowledgeable. At the back of the market is the Farm Kitchen, where customers can enjoy a field-reared hog-roast every Saturday or just a nice cup of tea.
If you are a real foodie then it's worth checking this place out as soon as possible. There is even a craft market held there two Sundays a month. If you're a trader and want to get in touch with the guys that run the market why not head over to their website now for contact details. They are particularly looking for stalls for Fridays at the moment as Saturdays are already incredibly busy!
Friday, 12 August 2011
Thursday, 11 August 2011
UK Riots - Making Things Better
As we at The Happy Zone always look on the more positive and happier side of life, we thought we'd take another look at the UK riots and try to come up with some positive actions and solutions which may prevent this from happening again. Please let us know of any ideas and happy thoughts you have concerning this, any uplifting stories you may have heard or organisations that you recommend which are already doing good work either with young people in general or in helping with the clean-up campaigns.
- Help Britain's young people learn to love their neighbourhood and local communities.
- If you have spare time on your hands, or don't work at the moment then organise or take part in a local community group aimed at local youths. It doesn't always take loads of money, just a bunch of willing volunteers who are able to give their time and skills.
- Celebrities - Young people today look up to and try to emulate their favourite celebrities, pop stars, rap artists and sports men and women. These famous (and often wealthy) stars need to put themselves out there as role models by getting their hands dirty; helping the riot clean-up wombles, giving their time to local youth projects and visiting schools and youth clubs to talk to, help and motivate teenagers.
- On a much bigger scale, projects funded by the banks and huge corporations such as the major supermarkets should be encouraged and put into action. What about funding local community parks and gardens in the most deprived areas? These could be designed, looked after and tended to by local teenagers.
- Other potential projects could include "keep Britain tidy" groups which would regularly go out into the local community and pick up litter, repair broken fences, paint over graffitti and generally look after the local area.
- Young people should be allowed to go on some patrols with local police officers to see the kinds of trouble the police have to deal with on a daily basis.
- Recycling - local entrepeneurs and small businesses could help young people set up their own businesses using recycled goods and rubbish, thus helping the environment at the same time.
- Councils should allow organised groups to use the many empty, abandoned and boarded up shops on our high streets free of charge. These could be utilised by youth groups, art projects and small start-up businesses and shops run by young people.
- Regenerate our local high streets. Ok, so we're in the middle of a deep recession which means many shops are closing down and no-one has any money to spend. However, our high streets can still be buzzing, thriving areas full of cheap and free activities and fun things to do. It just takes the right people to organise things alongside support from local councils as well as local shops and businesses.
- Parental responsibilities - parents totally need to take responsibility for their children, particularly those aged 16 and under. They need to know exactly where their kids are at all times and keep constant checks on their whereabouts.
- Curfews - it maybe a good idea to have a 9pm curfew for anyone aged 16 or under for the next three to six months until things have settled down. It could potentially make britain's streets a little safer at night.
- Education - All schools should have compulsory lessons in the following for all children aged 5 upwards : recycling, manners, "keep britain tidy", looking after the environment, self-esteem, healthy eating, growing your own fruit and vegetables, sustainable living.
- Television and media need to take more responsibility for all the junk and bad "role models" they shove down our kids throats on a daily basis. More TV shows based around helping others, self-esteem, recycling, the environment, how to better yourself and less TOWIE, Geordie Shores, Big Brother and the like.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
THE UK RIOTS - What Can We Do To Make Things Better?
We are not a political or religious site but do believe that by everyone pulling together no matter what they believe in we can all help build a better community for all. We welcome your positive comments, ideas and stories so please post in the comment box below or on the Happy Zone Facebook page.
The picture above is actually of those wonderful people who have already become known as the Riot Wombles on Twitter who are banding together to help clean up all the areas of London affected by the riots. If you want to help then you can follow @Riotcleanup on Twitter or go to their website.
Long-term solutions to stop this happening should all involve ways of helping people, particularly young people to learn to love and respect their local communities. This needs to come from schools, parents and the communities themselves in equal measure. Please contact us with positive ideas on how everyone can help rebuild these shattered communities and restore pride and self-esteem in our youth.
Friday, 29 July 2011
Ha Ha Ha! New Friday Funny!
Thursday, 28 July 2011
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a simple yet remarkable healing system that reduces the stress that underlies much disease. It has proven itself successful in many scientific studies. It works on a variety of health issues, psychological problems, and performance issues, even those that have been resistant to other methods. It can be learned and applied rapidly, which has contributed to its popularity among millions of people. EFT Universe is the home of the vibrant, worldwide EFT community. It hosts the wealth of resources available to both experienced and new EFT users.
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and is a form of alternative psychotherapy that uses tapping on acupuncture points as a means of tackling many emotional and physical problems. Once you've mastered the technique, a round of "tapping" takes just a couple of minutes and can help lift your mood. Check out this website for full details on how to start practising EFT.
There are many positive affirmations that can be used when practising EFT but sometimes the simplest can be the best! Try the affirmations below and let us know how you get on.
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and is a form of alternative psychotherapy that uses tapping on acupuncture points as a means of tackling many emotional and physical problems. Once you've mastered the technique, a round of "tapping" takes just a couple of minutes and can help lift your mood. Check out this website for full details on how to start practising EFT.
There are many positive affirmations that can be used when practising EFT but sometimes the simplest can be the best! Try the affirmations below and let us know how you get on.
- I choose to be happy today.
- I choose to be calm today.
- I choose to be motivated today.
- I choose to be in a good mood today.
- I choose to be positive today.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Here's a brand new cartoon to cheer you up and bring a smile to your face! Well, it made us laugh anyways! If you'd like to share what makes you laugh, then please get in touch or follow us on Facebook!
Monday, 18 July 2011
OK so the weather's awful and it seems like the summer is over before it's even begun, but lets not get gloomy and depressed about it! There are loads of ways we can make ourselves and others feel better even when the skies are grey. Here are five positive things that you can do today. Can you think of any more?
- Perform a random act of kindness - if you have any neighbours who are old and on their own, pop round and see if they need anything. Or help a mother with their baby buggy if they're trying to get on or off the bus. You know the kind of thing!
- Meditate - A short 10 minute meditation daily can do you the world of good. It's quick and easy and is totally free!!
- Smile at a stranger - Yes, they may think you're mad but then again maybe it'll make their day! Just do it and spread the happiness!
- Recycle - If you don't do this already then start doing it today. It's a great way to make yourself feel good especially when you know it's helping the environment.
- Listen to music - Put on a couple of your favourite tracks or a cd that makes you happy and chill out for half an hour. You could even sing along!
Friday, 20 May 2011
Here you go folks! Today's Friday Funny cartoon to cheer you up! Have a great weekend! And if you have any thoughts on what you'd like to see on The Happy Zone or would like to contribute, then contact us at
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Something to Make You Smile!
I found this most amazing clip on Youtube which brought the biggest smile to my face in a loooong time! So I wanted to share this amazing moment when hundreds of people took part in this Kylie and Dannii Minogue flashmob outside the Sydney Opera House on a gloriously sunny day! So many happy, smiling faces!! Fantastic!!
Friday, 25 March 2011
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